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Jim Hansen, M. Ed., is the publisher of this site. He neither takes nor assumes any blame, bills or liability for its contents whatsoever. In most cases, the material provided herein is original to him, but as is always the case, probably incorporates ideas from many unnamed sources. Some ideas and clip art from anonymous web sources have been occasionally used, but where possible credit is always given.
A retired embedded systems engineer-turned educator, Jim worked in the space industry for five years. His two favorite sites: Thule, Greenland and Woomera, Australia. He became a staff member at Dartmouth College during the early 1970s, serving for 8 years as the Telecommunications Manager at the Kiewit Computation Center and Senior Research Assistant in the Psychology Department.
He later went into the medical field and developed a range of products including skin resurfacing lasers, muscle stimulaters, and a variety of hearing diagnostic instruments. He also developed the first digital dial indicator (a measurement tool) accurate to 30 millionths of an inch.
Retiring in 2001, he taught High School Physical Science and mathematics since then. He is New Hampshire certified and credentialed as a Highly Qualified Teacher in both Physical Science and Secondary Mathematics. He received his Master of Education degree from New Hampshire's renowned Plymouth State University. His current interests have migrated to watch and clock making and he continues to dabble in mathematics and science.
Please write to Jim at with your comments, questions, suggestions and topics of other interest.